Pelvic Health Support

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The Vagus Nerve and Lichen Sclerosus Workshop

Multiple Research Sites across the U.S , United States

The vagus nerve holds incredible healing power. Knowing how to stimulate your vagus nerve can be helpful for managing your lichen sclerosus symptoms in addition to your treatment plan. In this workshop you will learn all about the autonomic nervous system, the vagus nerve and vagal tone, how chronic stress impacts lichen sclerosus healing and symptoms, and how to increase vagal tone to help decrease mind-body stress, and, consequently, improve […]


Mindfulness 4 Pelvic Organ Prolapse Workshop Series


You can feel well equipped to manage POP sensations without them hijacking your attention and your day. You can reconnect with your body sensations in a way that feels safe and supportive. You can be present with the important people and activities in your life. The best part?  There is help, and you don’t have to do it alone. The Mindfulness 4 POP Workshop series will give you the tools […]
