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Quercetin with Super Strength Aloe Vera

Quercetin with Super Strength Aloe Vera

Enter code PHSC10 for 10% off your order!


  • Belong to a class of antioxidants called flavonoids, which support capillary wall stability and healthy collagen development, balance immune response and provide cardiovascular protection by reducing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol
  • Less likely to cause urinary/stomach distress than many of the foods that contain flavonoids
  • Inhibits the release of histamines and other immune mediators, thus helping reduce nocturia, daytime frequency, pain, burning, pressure and pain with sex
  • Decreases production of the COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes that cause systemic inflammation
  • Anti-histamine component in Cysta-Q (Farr Laboratories) and CystoProtek (Algonot), both studied for IC/BPS with successful results
  • Vegan, gluten-free, IC/BPS friendly, Kosher certified and contain no fillers or artificial ingredients

Supporting Research: 

Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis with a Quercetin Supplement